The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
May 1, 2022 at 8:27 PM Post #23,476 of 90,808
So happy for you @Deezel177! Though I haven’t been an active poster until recently, I’ve so enjoyed your reviews on THL. I recall writing to you once to say I read your reviews even when I didn’t have an interest in the product because your reviews are so well thought out and written. While I don’t know you personally, I think I can safely surmise from your reviews and posts that in addition to your writing acumen, you have maturity, poise and professionalism well beyond your years and you’ll be successful in any endeavor your decide to pursue. All the best and hoping we’ll cross paths on Head-Fi again soon!
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May 1, 2022 at 9:11 PM Post #23,477 of 90,808
Copied from flinkenick’s thread…

And, she’s live!

Lime Ears Anima: Midnight Tides - An In-Ear Monitor Review


After a ton of typing, my review of the Lime Ears Anima is now up on THL! It’s an in-ear to me that isn’t afraid to add color to the TOTL space with its crisp, airy sound and huge, bouncy instruments. So, give it a read if that sounds like the in-ear for you, and don’t forget to hit @Rockwell75 and @mvvRAZ up for their respective tours, if you’re keen to give it a go too. :)

I also said a while ago that this review would be a really special one for me, personally, and it honestly has little to do with the review itself. It’s more about the announcement I’m about to make, because I felt that - given Lime Ears was where my reviewing career started - it’d be a fitting way to announce its end as well. I’m relieved to finally, finally announce that 2022 will be my final year as an audio reviewer. As soon as I finish my remaining reviews, which I expect to be around June or July, I’ll be stepping down from THL and putting down the pen for good.

I made this decision in August of last year, and it was - thank God - a really easy one for me to make. When Nic offered me the THL gig all the way back in 2017, I’d just graduated from college, but I hadn’t yet found my place in church. I did little more than watch a mix console 3 times a week, and I spent the rest of my time watching YouTube videos or playing video games. So, when the offer came, so did an opportunity to be productive and do something very much outside my comfort zone. Still, I always, always knew: Whenever God wanted to tag me in and get me going at church, I’d be ready to leave this gig behind in a heartbeat.

And, that’s what came to pass late last year. Recording, mixing and mastering jobs began piling up. My passion for drumming is stronger than ever. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to play and make music with my own band. We start laying tracks for my first original song in a few days, in fact. And, all of that has coincided with less and less of a drive to continue writing, which is how I realized the time had come for me to close this chapter of my life, and move on to bigger and better things.

It’s an extremely cheesy thing to say (as this entire post will probably come off to all of you), but these past 5 years have probably been the most formative of my life; just second to my college years. For the first time ever, I was thrown into the deep end of having actual, professional responsibilities. I had to face dog-eat-dog competition, which - more than you guys can ever believe - was often toxic, bitter and anxiety-inducing. Boy, do I have stories. And, I also learned the value of pacing myself and not letting work overshadow my mental health. These were experiences that changed me infinitely for the better, and I can look back on them now as gifts, rather than burdens.

I also learned that duty import taxes here in Jakarta are borderline criminal, but that’s for another discussion.

Above all (and I warned y’all this was gonna be cheesy), though, it was the relationships I got to build along the way that truly calcified this experience for me. Beyond all the brands I’ve worked with, the support that you guys, as a community across forums and across threads, have given me has been nothing short of riveting. From all the OG’s (you know who you are) who I barely see on the site anymore, to all of you guys now who are too many to name, it’s honestly your words of encouragement that have made every keystroke, every photo set and every hour I’ve spent on Lightroom worthwhile. :D I can say with absolute certainty that I would’ve made this post a long time ago if it wasn’t for all of you, so, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you.

With all that said, this (and my aforementioned remaining reviews) won’t be the end of me on Head-Fi either. I’ll still post and share like I usually do. I may throw in some fun content like a casual interview, or impressions of an IEM I might have tried on a trip, or some stuff from my recording/mixing/mastering sessions. To start, I’m planning a no-holds-barred AMA about my experiences as soon as I officially leave THL. So, if you ever wanted to ask a reviewer anything at all, you can start getting your Q’s ready. But, yeah, though it won’t be as often or lengthy (which may even be a good thing for some of you), the door will always be open for new content to come in. At the same time, I really, really look forward to the day when I can visit Singapore or Japan without having to worry about capturing enough content for Head-Fi. It’s such an alien concept to me at this point, and the mere thought of it sounds like an absolute relief.

As far as my replacement on THL goes, I’m handing the reins to the TOTL segment over to my ever-reliable colleague: @ryanjsoo. He’s been a writer for the site longer than me, and he’s truly long-overdue for an opportunity like this. He never ceases to write like a pro, and I've basically stolen everything I know about IEM photography from him, so I assure you guys that my spot will be in very, very good hands.

Now, the guy taking over Ryan’s spot on THL is someone all of you will likely be familiar with. As Nic heralded me onto the team with his retirement post, I’m incredibly honored to welcome our very own @gLer onto the THL team!


Again, he’ll be taking over Ryan’s $1000-1500 segment on the site, and, as most of you will probably agree, I trust that he’ll be more than capable for the task at hand; both visually and aurally. Plus, along with folks like @Rockwell75, @aaf evo, @Damz87, etc., I’m very relieved to see the community has a ton of great movers well-integrated within it already, so you don’t need reviewers like me to introduce new stuff when they come out. It’s a more actual-customer-driven market now that wouldn’t have been imaginable back when I started out. And, with IEM tours becoming more and more frequent too, I’m happy to see brands and dealers embrace the change just as much.

To close this very long, very sentimental post, I want to again reiterate the love I have for this hobby and this community. I stumbled onto Head-Fi a shy, awkward teen who’d shudder at the thought of interacting with any stranger, let alone online. And, now, I’m an almost-married (almost-engaged, technically) adult announcing his retirement from a five-year stint reviewing world-renowned audio products to a community of hundreds of genuine companions. As every beautiful development in my life has been, it’s a storyline only a being as out-there as God could’ve come up with, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for it all. In lieu of bigger, deeper, more adequate words, all I have left to say is thank you… thank you… thank you.

Only the best to your future endeavours, you will be missed at THL but we'll keep your spot warm. It's said the brightest stars burn shortest, but in this case, it just meant your talents were needed elsewhere. You're intended for great things, it's been a pleasure writing and learning alongside you. Stay on a healthy path and catch you when we catch you :)
May 1, 2022 at 9:25 PM Post #23,478 of 90,808
Coming off of the Anomalie and Joey Alexander recommendations @CrocodileDundee and @Garney recently shared, I wanted to recommend an artist that's got elements of both. His name is FKJ (or French Kiwi Juice), and his two fortes are piano and relaxing, atmospheric, electronic music. His tracks usually come out sounding like this:

But, he also recently released a virtual concert/EP where it's just him playing piano, and I personally think it's gobsmackingly beautiful:

'Hope you guys have a good listen. And, stay tuned for my Lime Ears Anima review coming within the next hour or two. I'm pretty excited about this one, and it isn't for the reason(s) some of you may think. 'Til then, cheerio... :wink:

Thanks for the recommendation! I’ve heard some of FKJ’s stuff but wasn’t aware he had a piano only album out. Love it. A very uplifting listen.

Also got a chance to play Anomolie Galerie… excellent as well. First time hearing him. Can’t say if I’ve heard jazz fusion like this before… or even how to classify it? Really intoxicating. The track Hummingbird had me flat out mesmerized!

Sad to see your departure from reviewing but glad to hear you’ll still be sticking around Head-Fi in a conversational capacity at the very least. Certainly appreciate your countless contributions to the community and your willingness to always take the time to thoughtfully explain audio characteristics with us all. It sure sounds like the next chapter in your journey will be incredibly fulfilling! Wishing you all the best on the road ahead.
May 1, 2022 at 10:16 PM Post #23,479 of 90,808
Yes, I was very curious about Fit Ears so I ordered the top Fitear available at the time, CREATOR, which I believe is similar model or above the DC Ti, I personally thought it was ok. Was not a fan of female vocals on it, est was not well done on it. Did not own it at the same time as the Jewel, but the Jewel’s vocal definitely impressed me. I tend to order IEMs, try them for a few weeks and dispose of the ones that don’t make my cut fairly quickly. Jewel has lasted much longer already then the Creator or Traillii. Trailli I was not a fan of the bass, amazing vocals. Creator the only thing I liked was the bass. The Creator had a very wide stage, very forward highs, echoing sounding in the Ti shell, metallic sounding female vocals but really lovely warm bass and male vocals. Loved the bottom half of the spectrum but not a fan of the top half. I know people love them like the Traillii but both were not my cup of tea for one reason or another.
My first listen with the Jewel and stock cable was not awe inspiring, Aroma would have been better off charging $500 less and selling it with no cable.
I still would like to hear the EXT and XE6, two on my current list, EXT was not an instant order due to too many people having fit issues. But XE6 might be next months new toy.
Creator is/was not offered on the Fitear website, and also not in all countries, the only one I know is Hong Kong. Since there were only 2 titanium IEMS made by Fitear, I can only assume it is the Titan, as DC Ti was released barely 3 months ago. If not wrong, the Creator is a Titan sold with a cable from Creator. I have demo'ed the Titan in the past; and from what I remember, it was not at all the same as DC Ti; whilst I know some people who liked and have bought the Titan, I didn't and wouldn't.

The Jewel was specially tuned for female vocals, I think this was made known when it was released and I've heard mentioned in several review shows on YouTube, and I'd concur, especially for female KPOP/JPOP/Canto/Mando-Pop vocals. The upper mids to trebles, transition and extension, are all very impressive. Is it better than say... the Annihilator or DC Ti? Well, universal to universal, I preferred the DC Ti; to me, it was not as bright and intense. And I liked my custom Annihilator even more; it has the most natural sounding highs I have heard on a pair of IEMS. I would love to listen to a custom Jewel, but unfortunately, the only way is if I bought one. I was very close to getting it, and will continue to monitor the used market for a good deal since Aroma will convert universals to customs for HKD3,500.

Not going to say anything more about the Traillii, I've said plenty and the fact that I just sold it is probably an ultimate statement. To be fair though, it had a lot to do with my preference for and going back to a customs only policy. Have not heard the EXT, no point as customs are not available, and don't really like the XE6.
May 1, 2022 at 10:35 PM Post #23,480 of 90,808
Creator is/was not offered on the Fitear website, and also not in all countries, the only one I know is Hong Kong. Since there were only 2 titanium IEMS made by Fitear, I can only assume it is the Titan, as DC Ti was released barely 3 months ago. If not wrong, the Creator is a Titan sold with a cable from Creator. I have demo'ed the Titan in the past; and from what I remember, it was not at all the same as DC Ti; whilst I know some people who liked and have bought the Titan, I didn't and wouldn't.

The Jewel was specially tuned for female vocals, I think this was made known when it was released and I've heard mentioned in several review shows on YouTube, and I'd concur, especially for female KPOP/JPOP/Canto/Mando-Pop vocals. The upper mids to trebles, transition and extension, are all very impressive. Is it better than say... the Annihilator or DC Ti? Well, universal to universal, I preferred the DC Ti; to me, it was not as bright and intense. And I liked my custom Annihilator even more; it has the most natural sounding highs I have heard on a pair of IEMS. I would love to listen to a custom Jewel, but unfortunately, the only way is if I bought one. I was very close to getting it, and will continue to monitor the used market for a good deal since Aroma will convert universals to customs for HKD3,500.

Not going to say anything more about the Traillii, I've said plenty and the fact that I just sold it is probably an ultimate statement. To be fair though, it had a lot to do with my preference for and going back to a customs only policy. Have not heard the EXT, no point as customs are not available, and don't really like the XE6.
I purchased my Creator here, they ship FedEx Int Express to US:
Titan has no EST, only 2 drivers, Creator has 3 drivers, EST and 2 Fostex DD.
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May 1, 2022 at 10:49 PM Post #23,481 of 90,808
Creator is/was not offered on the Fitear website, and also not in all countries, the only one I know is Hong Kong. Since there were only 2 titanium IEMS made by Fitear, I can only assume it is the Titan, as DC Ti was released barely 3 months ago. If not wrong, the Creator is a Titan sold with a cable from Creator. I have demo'ed the Titan in the past; and from what I remember, it was not at all the same as DC Ti; whilst I know some people who liked and have bought the Titan, I didn't and wouldn't.

The Jewel was specially tuned for female vocals, I think this was made known when it was released and I've heard mentioned in several review shows on YouTube, and I'd concur, especially for female KPOP/JPOP/Canto/Mando-Pop vocals. The upper mids to trebles, transition and extension, are all very impressive. Is it better than say... the Annihilator or DC Ti? Well, universal to universal, I preferred the DC Ti; to me, it was not as bright and intense. And I liked my custom Annihilator even more; it has the most natural sounding highs I have heard on a pair of IEMS. I would love to listen to a custom Jewel, but unfortunately, the only way is if I bought one. I was very close to getting it, and will continue to monitor the used market for a good deal since Aroma will convert universals to customs for HKD3,500.

Not going to say anything more about the Traillii, I've said plenty and the fact that I just sold it is probably an ultimate statement. To be fair though, it had a lot to do with my preference for and going back to a customs only policy. Have not heard the EXT, no point as customs are not available, and don't really like the XE6.

I think this is the first time I’ve seen the Annihilator highs being referred to as natural. Can you elaborate here? I find them very ethereal and more for treble pleasure than natural treble tuning?
May 1, 2022 at 11:06 PM Post #23,482 of 90,808
Creator is/was not offered on the Fitear website, and also not in all countries, the only one I know is Hong Kong. Since there were only 2 titanium IEMS made by Fitear, I can only assume it is the Titan, as DC Ti was released barely 3 months ago. If not wrong, the Creator is a Titan sold with a cable from Creator. I have demo'ed the Titan in the past; and from what I remember, it was not at all the same as DC Ti; whilst I know some people who liked and have bought the Titan, I didn't and wouldn't.

The Jewel was specially tuned for female vocals, I think this was made known when it was released and I've heard mentioned in several review shows on YouTube, and I'd concur, especially for female KPOP/JPOP/Canto/Mando-Pop vocals. The upper mids to trebles, transition and extension, are all very impressive. Is it better than say... the Annihilator or DC Ti? Well, universal to universal, I preferred the DC Ti; to me, it was not as bright and intense. And I liked my custom Annihilator even more; it has the most natural sounding highs I have heard on a pair of IEMS. I would love to listen to a custom Jewel, but unfortunately, the only way is if I bought one. I was very close to getting it, and will continue to monitor the used market for a good deal since Aroma will convert universals to customs for HKD3,500.

Not going to say anything more about the Traillii, I've said plenty and the fact that I just sold it is probably an ultimate statement. To be fair though, it had a lot to do with my preference for and going back to a customs only policy. Have not heard the EXT, no point as customs are not available, and don't really like the XE6.
Creator is more like the DC Ti sold with a cable plus a Titanium faceplate as well. Don't think it is the Titan, quite different sounding in any case.

It's interesting that you find the Jewel's treble bright and intense because I actually find the DC Ti's treble/uppermids more pronounced:thinking:Jewel is quite smooth on the treble side.

Yes dealers are marketing the Jewel as the ultimate female vocal IEM, but only if you are on the "ethereal" camp. Even then I'd probably just go back to the Elysium, but Jewel also arguably does other things better so there's also that.

For my use case, the Jewel's staging is nice for classical music, but on staging alone IMO it loses to the DC Ti/Creator. These two also have a thicker sound if I remember correctly.
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May 1, 2022 at 11:11 PM Post #23,483 of 90,808
I was simply trying to provide a basis for what I mean when I say more accurate to the source or timbre. I do not simply compare to other IEM’s, but back to what I feel is a top system, my personal 2-channel system. This helps keep me grounded with a specific point of reference, and let’s you know what I use as my comparison ( vs simply saying A is more accurate than B). I would love to say live music is my comparison, but lately that is much less often than it used to be for me, and I would still have no way of making direct comparisons. It is meant to give the reader some idea of my point of view.

For example, if an IEM has much more bass than my 2-channel system, I view it as adding more bass than the recording is meant to have. As my speakers have 15” subs, this should be a correct statement ( obviously room acoustics are at play as well ). It gives me a static point of reference. By letting you know that, there is a chance the reader has a better idea of my point of view.
Ok, so you are comparing the timbre of an IEM against what you hear off your Altairs? Which Altair do you have, by the way, I understand they made a few sub-models, I only have vague memories of it, listening during my audition for dCS systems. I eventually went with Sonus Faber. Anyway, I digress. I compare timbre of IEMS, or speakers as they can be colored too, against my internal reference of what the instruments or voice would/should sound like. Sure, there will always be variations, a Stradivari wouldn't sound like a Guarneri, soprano unlike a jazz singer, and yes, 7 billion different impressions of what we hear of the same thing, but I think there is little, or no, disputes when we say the IEM is warm or timbre is off -- a cello, flute, guitars all have their signatures that surely wouldn't require a pair of what I'm sure are very accomplished, and expensive, Altairs to discern, would it?

Sounding more bassy in IEMS could be caused by tuning, and frankly, you cannot compare the bass of IEMS with a subwoofer, which moves infinitely more air than in-, on- and over-ear monitors! Never mind the bass, the experience of listening between IEMS/Headphones and speakers, or live, is entirely different. End of the day, some extrapolation and imagination will be required to make these comparisons, and since there are no instruments to measure such parameters, what we each hear and find is and will always be debatable...
May 1, 2022 at 11:25 PM Post #23,484 of 90,808
What are you basing that HO on? Relative to what other IEMS, and their purported merits, are charging?

I pulled the number out of thin air more-or-less but it was based on a couple things, namely 1) when Sony priced the IER Z1R, the cumulation of decades of portable audio knowledge and ingenuity, at $2K in 2018 I kind of took that as a statement of what the upper level of "reasonable" for IEMs may have been at that time and extrapolated forward a few years, factoring in inflation and the increased cost of supplies lately and 2) looking around the cost of other boutique audio components, namely something like a DNA Stellaris, which is a TOTL headphone amp made exclusively of high-end components and which takes nearly a year to build and comes in about $6K. With these two factors in mind I came up with a figure of about $3 - $3.5K as constituting an upper bound for "reasonable" for the cost of TOTL IEMs right now. Not withstanding extreme situations, circumstances or "boutiqueness" my belief is that for the most part IEMs priced beyond that range owe at least a little bit of "just because we can" to their MSRP.
May 1, 2022 at 11:52 PM Post #23,485 of 90,808
Damn Daniel…

What a way to make me tear up man!
It was honestly because of your reviews that I wanted to start doing reviews as well!
And you and @ryanjsoo both inspired me with my audio product photography!
If it wasn’t for the both of you, I‘m not even sure I would’ve taken up product photography lol
I wouldn’t have landed the amazing opportunities I’ve encountered because of my photography. I owe it to the both of you!
I’ll make sure to get even better at it too!

It’s sad to know you won’t do in-depth reviews anymore but I wish you the best of luck with your music passion buddy!
You’re gonna do great things in the screne!

Congrats to @gLer and Ryan for the promotion!

I’m looking forward to the future of THL!
That's so, so beautiful to hear, man. Again, it's words like these that have picked me up whenever I was down, and I'm so grateful to have received the love and generosity that I have. Ryan beyond deserves it, and I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors as well, man! :)

So happy for you @Deezel177! Though I haven’t been an active poster until recently, I’ve so enjoyed your reviews on THL. I recall writing to you once to say I read your reviews even when I didn’t have an interest in the product because your reviews are so well thought out and written. While I don’t know you personally, I think I can safely surmise from your reviews and posts that in addition to your writing acumen, you have maturity, poise and professionalism well beyond your years and you’ll be successful in any endeavor your decide to pursue. All the best and hoping we’ll cross paths on Head-Fi again soon!
Wow, this is incredible, mate. I really, really appreciate you reaching out, and your post here is so, so touching. Professionalism and poise are the two virtues I value most, especially as a person of faith. I feel like I have an obligation to positively represent God wherever I am, so to hear that is genuinely heartwarming. We'll cross paths again for sure. You can count on that. :wink:

Only the best to your future endeavours, you will be missed at THL but we'll keep your spot warm. It's said the brightest stars burn shortest, but in this case, it just meant your talents were needed elsewhere. You're intended for great things, it's been a pleasure writing and learning alongside you. Stay on a healthy path and catch you when we catch you :)
'Love you, brother! You better start getting used to posting around these parts, more so because your work deserves the world seeing it. :p

Thanks for the recommendation! I’ve heard some of FKJ’s stuff but wasn’t aware he had a piano only album out. Love it. A very uplifting listen.

Also got a chance to play Anomolie Galerie… excellent as well. First time hearing him. Can’t say if I’ve heard jazz fusion like this before… or even how to classify it? Really intoxicating. The track Hummingbird had me flat out mesmerized!

Sad to see your departure from reviewing but glad to hear you’ll still be sticking around Head-Fi in a conversational capacity at the very least. Certainly appreciate your countless contributions to the community and your willingness to always take the time to thoughtfully explain audio characteristics with us all. It sure sounds like the next chapter in your journey will be incredibly fulfilling! Wishing you all the best on the road ahead.
Indeed, man! I love that there are so many musicians out there innovating with the genre in completely unique, personal ways. I think it defies the old saying that "real" music is dead or "real" instruments are dead. With the amount of people tinkering with them in entirely new ways, they're more alive than ever! Stepping away from the piano for a bit, you've got guys like Tim Henson and Ichika Nito coming up with insane stuff like this on the guitar:

And, thanks so much for your wishes, my friend. This community and hobby are still things I can't imagine living without, so I'll still be around for sure. One of my goals for the future is to kinda peel back the curtain behind making music, just as I did somewhat for building IEMs through my Inner View series on THL. I think it'd be fun for you guys to learn why certain things sound (or hit) the way they do, and how certain sounds are achieved. I'm no Adam Neely or Rick Beato for sure, but I think my experience with IEMs and head/hi-fi can help add a unique perspective there too. It's not gonna be a consistent content stream like my reviews were (as inconsistent as they sometimes may be), but I may post little nuggets every once in a while about it. :)
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May 1, 2022 at 11:53 PM Post #23,486 of 90,808
I purchased my Creator here, they ship FedEx Int Express to US:
Titan has no EST, only 2 drivers, Creator has 3 drivers, EST and 2 Fostex DD.
Creator is more like the DC Ti sold with a cable plus a Titanium faceplate as well. Don't think it is the Titan, quite different sounding in any case.
It would appear I am wrong then! In that case, I have not heard the Creator, unless @kevin638880 is right about it being a DC Ti universal.

It's interesting that you find the Jewel's treble bright and intense because I actually find the DC Ti's treble/uppermids more pronounced:thinking:Jewel is quite smooth on the treble side.

Yes dealers are marketing the Jewel as the ultimate female vocal IEM, but only if you are on the "ethereal" camp. Even then I'd probably just go back to the Elysium, but Jewel also arguably does other things better so there's also that.

For my use case, the Jewel's staging is nice for classical music, but on staging alone IMO it loses to the DC Ti/Creator. These two also have a thicker sound if I remember correctly.
Whoa, I did not say the Jewel's trebles were bright and intense, I just found the DC Ti's to be less so. And specifically, my impression was off some treble torture test and not really nice recordings of say... Cecelia Bartoli. 😉 From my memory, the DC Ti not just made the torture tracks acceptable, but sound nice even! I did not like the Elysium at all, too many things about it that didn't agree with me. Hmm. I do not remember the DC Ti sounding 'thicker' than the Jewel, perhaps the cleaner and brighter mid-highs to highs are counteracting the 'thick' sounds in my head. But in the end, I preferred the DC Ti over the Jewel for most kinds of music, including classical, except for quite specific female vocals.

But before we get too carried away, lets bear in mind that we all listened to the same IEMS with different source and material. I have said enough about sources but on material, I have the same recording of A Fool for You by Carmen Gomes in DSF64-256, 24-32 bit WAV and 88-352 FLACS and I can hear differences on the HM1K-Aroma power stack, and barely so on a standalone SP2K and 3MaxTi. The variables affecting what we hear are so vast that it is impossible to categorically rate one IEM for everyone.

I think this is the first time I’ve seen the Annihilator highs being referred to as natural. Can you elaborate here? I find them very ethereal and more for treble pleasure than natural treble tuning?
I am hearing an almost completely differently Annihilator on the HM1K-Aroma power stack; no, that is incorrect, the characteristics are still all there, I am just hearing so much improvements on the Annihilator that what you are describing as 'ethereal' is getting more substance, weight and texture for me to sound more timbrally accurate. Can I say that? Or perhaps, timbrally more pleasing, to not be technically inaccurate? It is not a tuning thing. Just like I am hearing some of the best sub-bass, more quantity but mostly improved quality, on the Annihilator than I have heard on any other IEMS. I know you don't like to hear it, and I could be wrong, but I sincerely think it has to do with the Annihilator getting the power from the Aroma power stack to drive the Sonions and DD capacitors properly, rather than having to share it with the DAC, that is making all the difference. What else could it be??
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May 2, 2022 at 12:29 AM Post #23,487 of 90,808
I pulled the number out of thin air more-or-less but it was based on a couple things, namely 1) when Sony priced the IER Z1R, the cumulation of decades of portable audio knowledge and ingenuity, at $2K in 2018 I kind of took that as a statement of what the upper level of "reasonable" for IEMs may have been at that time and extrapolated forward a few years, factoring in inflation and the increased cost of supplies lately and 2) looking around the cost of other boutique audio components, namely something like a DNA Stellaris, which is a TOTL headphone amp made exclusively of high-end components and which takes nearly a year to build and comes in about $6K. With these two factors in mind I came up with a figure of about $3 - $3.5K as constituting an upper bound for "reasonable" for the cost of TOTL IEMs right now. Not withstanding extreme situations, circumstances or "boutiqueness" my belief is that for the most part IEMs priced beyond that range owe at least a little bit of "just because we can" to their MSRP.
From the market/consumer point of view, I completely agree with your logic and deductions. But just for the sake of discourse, we can safely assume that Sony plays at a different level from others. The in-house R&D team that is a sunk cost, economy of scale in purchasing components and vendor relationships, all turn the equation of COGS in their favor compared to other consumer electronics mortals. The bounds governing pricing has got to be so much more generous that they can pretty much do whatever they want! But since the Hi-Res audiophile signature series products do not, at its best or worst, move any needles, you can choose, in the general scheme of things at Sony, that my conjecture is, they are by-products of mainstream consumer electronics R&D that a special projects team, probably led by an old general and friend of the suits, to show off their technical/technological muscles in the general AV market. I could be talking out of my a$$ here, so please take it with a fistful of salt.

Hmm. The DNA Stallaris I do not know, but looks good from a quick check. $6K, not cheap. Interestingly, I just upgraded the resistors to Audio Note resistors and Duelund capacitors on another similar but much smaller Origa amp from Pico Audio, all in, under USD2.6K. Anyway, I don't think you'd or anyone is interested to hearing more business models and how the commercial constraints they face affect pricing. On sheer gut feel, my out of thin air number is USD3.5-4K, pre-tax and other costs accrued by logistics, for top-end IEMS, with a decent cable, by today's standards.
May 2, 2022 at 12:43 AM Post #23,488 of 90,808
From the market/consumer point of view, I completely agree with your logic and deductions. But just for the sake of discourse, we can safely assume that Sony plays at a different level from others. The in-house R&D team that is a sunk cost, economy of scale in purchasing components and vendor relationships, all turn the equation of COGS in their favor compared to other consumer electronics mortals. The bounds governing pricing has got to be so much more generous that they can pretty much do whatever they want! But since the Hi-Res audiophile signature series products do not, at its best or worst, move any needles, you can choose, in the general scheme of things at Sony, that my conjecture is, they are by-products of mainstream consumer electronics R&D that a special projects team, probably led by an old general and friend of the suits, to show off their technical/technological muscles in the general AV market. I could be talking out of my a$$ here, so please take it with a fistful of salt.

Hmm. The DNA Stallaris I do not know, but looks good from a quick check. $6K, not cheap. Interestingly, I just upgraded the resistors to Audio Note resistors and Duelund capacitors on another similar but much smaller Origa amp from Pico Audio, all in, under USD2.6K. Anyway, I don't think you'd or anyone is interested to hearing more business models and how the commercial constraints they face affect pricing. On sheer gut feel, my out of thin air number is USD3.5-4K, pre-tax and other costs accrued by logistics, for top-end IEMS, with a decent cable, by today's standards.
Sony is almost like a Japanese Apple to me. I remember comparing the WM1A to a lot of other DAPs at the time, and I thought to myself, "How can this player be leaps and bounds ahead of others multiple times its price in UI and screen quality?" Then, I remembered the company that made this DAP also produced LED panels, TVs, projectors, video game consoles, mobile phones and laptops in their spare time. :D
May 2, 2022 at 1:45 AM Post #23,490 of 90,808
Sony is almost like a Japanese Apple to me. I remember comparing the WM1A to a lot of other DAPs at the time, and I thought to myself, "How can this player be leaps and bounds ahead of others multiple times its price in UI and screen quality?" Then, I remembered the company that made this DAP also produced LED panels, TVs, projectors, video game consoles, mobile phones and laptops in their spare time. :D
No, my friend, it's the other way around. It is in their spare time, that the WM1A was born. They came out with the original Walkman in 1979 and invented DSD in the mid 1990s for crying out loud! If these were anything close to something they did during working hours, the DMP-Z1 would be a wearable capable of wirelessly delivering true-res sounds to an ear-conforming buds that play augmented reality 3D sound all at $200, content included... 😉

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