CustomArt FIBAE Impressions Thread
Jun 6, 2018 at 2:51 PM Post #1,141 of 2,480
Got my fibaes back in the post to you at the start of the week Piotrus, you should get them probably friday or monday I'd imagine. As it's just a spot of thickening that needs doing on the right (I've decided to leave the left for now as the seal only breaks if I open my mouth very wide which is something I don't do whilst listening)any idea of the turnaround times please?

Jun 6, 2018 at 8:43 PM Post #1,143 of 2,480
Okay guys. Tonight I plugged my Fibae 2 to my computer (through a Creative X-fi soundcard). And damn I'm in heaven listening to acoustic songs.

I've been wandering on Youtube for 3 hours already and I can't stop ! :L3000:
Jun 7, 2018 at 3:46 AM Post #1,144 of 2,480
Okay guys. Tonight I plugged my Fibae 2 to my computer (through a Creative X-fi soundcard). And damn I'm in heaven listening to acoustic songs.

I've been wandering on Youtube for 3 hours already and I can't stop ! :L3000:
It's the same for me too. I love the non-fatiguing nature of the F2. What makes it great is the fact it's non-fatiguing yet at the same time really engaging.
Jun 7, 2018 at 5:49 AM Post #1,145 of 2,480
Got my fibaes back in the post to you at the start of the week Piotrus, you should get them probably friday or monday I'd imagine. As it's just a spot of thickening that needs doing on the right (I've decided to leave the left for now as the seal only breaks if I open my mouth very wide which is something I don't do whilst listening)any idea of the turnaround times please?
That would be fairly quick fix, few days I guess.
Maybe Pinky could send you a sample and you could work your magic on it. Don't ask how he procures it.
I was thinking about making "sample" joke. But I guess I don't want to know how he obtains it
Jun 7, 2018 at 6:12 AM Post #1,146 of 2,480
Good question, man. I've often contemplated getting custom shells forged of walrus semen. Curious what the Polish sentiment is on that.
I just threw up in my mouth...thanks Stinky Pinky
Jun 7, 2018 at 6:38 AM Post #1,147 of 2,480
Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to give the FIBAE ME proper listening attention. This morning I couldnt sleep and decided in the quiet hotel environment to give a listen. First, I love the design, thank you. The fit is super comfortable and the build is impeccable as usual. The first thing that strikes me with the ME is the same thing that struck me with the F3, the clarity. I was really expecting the bass to be the dominant tone, but to my ears it isn't, not even close really. All of the FIBAE line have clarity, with the F3 and ME actually having a similar signature, from memory, I will verify when I finally get off the road and home again. The bass is nice and it is more of a constant with the ME than the F3. I went through a phase where I truly liked only warm signatures and then shifted to liking more natural tone and clarity and now I find myself enjoying what the developers are doing, being able to extract the details and clarity and delivering strong, solid and detailed bass. Piotr, this is my favorite signature yet and the FIBAE line is getting stronger and stronger. The F2 is a truly fun and engaging listen, the F3 is confident in it's clarity and the bass is called upon when needed and the ME is somewhat of an F3 with more bass. Not bass for the sake of bass. It blends and creates a wonderful balance. The stage is wide and everything is laid out where it should be. I am not a Dave Matthews fan but his music has a lot going on and I have a FLAC version of Crash, which is the only one I have, and it has never sounded so alive and engaged. I only have a couple of cables with me, a Rhapsodio Silver Litz and the Ares II. The ME makes me wish for even a touch more bass, I could only imagine a hybrid with a DD bass.

To my ears this is your best yet.
Jun 7, 2018 at 6:45 AM Post #1,148 of 2,480
Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to give the FIBAE ME proper listening attention. This morning I couldnt sleep and decided in the quiet hotel environment to give a listen. First, I love the design, thank you. The fit is super comfortable and the build is impeccable as usual. The first thing that strikes me with the ME is the same thing that struck me with the F3, the clarity. I was really expecting the bass to be the dominant tone, but to my ears it isn't, not even close really. All of the FIBAE line have clarity, with the F3 and ME actually having a similar signature, from memory, I will verify when I finally get off the road and home again. The bass is nice and it is more of a constant with the ME than the F3. I went through a phase where I truly liked only warm signatures and then shifted to liking more natural tone and clarity and now I find myself enjoying what the developers are doing, being able to extract the details and clarity and delivering strong, solid and detailed bass. Piotr, this is my favorite signature yet and the FIBAE line is getting stronger and stronger. The F2 is a truly fun and engaging listen, the F3 is confident in it's clarity and the bass is called upon when needed and the ME is somewhat of an F3 with more bass. Not bass for the sake of bass. It blends and creates a wonderful balance. The stage is wide and everything is laid out where it should be. I am not a Dave Matthews fan but his music has a lot going on and I have a FLAC version of Crash, which is the only one I have, and it has never sounded so alive and engaged. I only have a couple of cables with me, a Rhapsodio Silver Litz and the Ares II. The ME makes me wish for even a touch more bass, I could only imagine a hybrid with a DD bass.

To my ears this is your best yet.
Well thank you! :)
Jun 7, 2018 at 6:54 AM Post #1,149 of 2,480
All this ME talk makes me hunger for its return.
Jun 7, 2018 at 6:58 AM Post #1,150 of 2,480
Jun 7, 2018 at 8:04 AM Post #1,151 of 2,480
Oh, I was able to get a complete seal. It just didn't last.
Jun 7, 2018 at 9:00 AM Post #1,153 of 2,480
I have the F3 paired with the AMP4s, and no hiss whatsoever. AMP 1 is fine as well
I have AMP1, 3 and 4s and they all hiss quite a lot with Fibae3. I wonder if it could be the Forza Audio aftermarket cables I'm using...

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