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  1. PiccoloNamek

    Spyder 3 Pro Help - Any suggestions?

    I recently purchased a very nice LG Flatron LED backlit monitor. It has a 2,000,000:1 contrast ratio and a very good response time. Its color reproduction is fairly average though, (I guess you can't always have it all...) so I bought a Spyder 3 calibration tool to help with that. The problem...
  2. PiccoloNamek

    dBu/dBFS question

    I'm not quite sure where to put this, but Sound Science makes the most sense to me. Here is my question. Is there an easy way to reference dBu to dbFS? Here is my situation. The Sennheiser microphone receiver that I am recording from is outputting a line level signal of +4dBu. If I were to plug...
  3. PiccoloNamek

    How to equalize your headphones: A Tutorial

    I have wanted to make a thread like this for a while now, but have kept putting it off for one reason or another. With all of the threads about EQ popping up recently, I think it is finally time I post this. This thread is for people who want to get the highest possible fidelity from their...
  4. PiccoloNamek

    Good soldering iron/gun for incredibly fine work?

    I am about to embark on my first DIY audio project; the modification of some panasonic microphone capsules for use in binaural recording. You can't see it well in the image, but near the area marked in purple there is a gold piece that needs to be soldered to one of the main contacts...
  5. PiccoloNamek

    So, I made some binaural recordings at work yesterday.

    I was sitting around with nothing to do at the moment, and I remembered that we had some unused lav mics sitting in a drawer. I saw that they were extremely small, small enough to easily fit into someone's ear canal, and that gave me an idea. Here are the results of that idea: Me walking...
  6. PiccoloNamek

    Head-Fi Atlanta Meet Impressions

    Head-Fi Atlanta Meet Impressions This spot reserved for our meet impressions. Impressions: The Denon D5000 is very bassy and has very forward treble and upper mids. As Fitz said "It has a very smiley face EQ". I agree with this. It also has a closed headphone coloration. Not bad...
  7. PiccoloNamek

    Good, relatively cheap speaker amplifier

    Recently, I had the great luck to attain a pair of these for free: The only problem is my current amplifier can barely drive them to medium-loud levels without clipping. I need a recommendation for an affordable amplifier that won't empty my wallet. Nothing fancy. As long as it is...
  8. PiccoloNamek

    Sudden, severe tinnitus and high-frequency hearing loss!

    So, I went to bed for the day, and when I woke up, I had a very strange sensation in my right ear, like it was full of cotton. After I regained my senses a strong high-frequency ringing became apparent. Not only that, but almost all of my high-frequency hearing was gone! I tried rubbing my...
  9. PiccoloNamek

    Tube distortion!

    Do you mind if I share a story with you? This morning, I had a revelation. Now, I finally understand why so many people use and swear by tube amplifiers. I've heard tube amps before, but never in a situation where I could listen critically. This morning, I downloaded and have been playing with a...
  10. PiccoloNamek

    Another job well done (Headphone related)

    I feel it is my Head-Duty to report incidents such as these when they occur. This is the third time, I believe, and the third person from this particular forum that I have done this for. (Or to... ) This guy, "Gechmir" started out with stock iBuds, then moved onto some "cheap hong kong...
  11. PiccoloNamek

    I too got a new-old car.

    With the help of my grandmother, I was able to acquire my uncle's 1997 Mercury Mountaineer. It is in nearly perfect condition, with only a few scratches and no mechanical problems. (Yet. The differential is nearing the end of its lifespan and will have to be replaced within the next...
  12. PiccoloNamek

    Cell phone recommendations

    I have reached a point in my life where I can unfortunately can no longer do without a cell phone. As much as I dislike the devices, I now must have one. Even more unfortunately, unlike Head-Fi I know nothing at all about Cellphone-Fi. So, I must ask. What brands/phones are great? Which suck...
  13. PiccoloNamek

    Quick question: Studio cans - which has the best noise isolation

    So, the headphones in my church's AV room suddenly went out and now we're in need of a new pair. I thought I'd buy us something nice that sounds good and won't break. I know what all of the usual choices are, but one thing I'm not sure about is: Which one offers the best isolation? This is...
  14. PiccoloNamek

    I've finally done it!

    After slightly less than a year, I have made Headphoneus Supremus. You can all line up to congratulate me now.
  15. PiccoloNamek

    Grado SR225

    So, last Friday, I ordered these on a whim. Today, they arrived. Initial impressions: Ugh, bowl pads. I knew they came with bowls, but still, damn. The cable coming out of the left earpiece is badly twisted. And there are bits of hot glue showing near the "225" buttons. Shame on you, Grado...
  16. PiccoloNamek

    A friend of mine is having a headphone problem

    Can you help him? Quote: Originally Posted by rhinosaur Whenever I plug in my (8 ohm Nova Pro) headphones into my (Peavey Rage 158) guitar amp, I get a lot of really annoying feedback and general nastiness. I can turn everything down and get some audio through the headphones, but I...
  17. PiccoloNamek

    Sound equipment help

    Ok, let's keep this short and sweet. My priest is unsatisfied with his clip-on lav mic, and is looking for something that will fit over his ear with a mini-boom going out in front of his mouth. I suggested something like this: But he...
  18. PiccoloNamek

    The joy of sharing high end audio with others

    ...Originally Posted by Talon ...I checked out the headphones. I was soon TOTALLY OVERWHELMED WITH JOY emotionally because: (a) this is such a ****ing awesome gesture, (b) this is such a kind thing to do, and (c) these look like DAMN NICE HEADPHONES! And: Quote: Originally...
  19. PiccoloNamek

    AKG K81 DJs - Initial Impressions

    I bought these for a friend (non-audiophile), but of course, I decided to listen to them first. Here are my impressions: Comfort: Coming from the HD650s, these things are murder on my ears. They press hard, feel hard, and make my pinnae ache. Not even the heaviest and tightest-fitting Grado...
  20. PiccoloNamek

    Sennheiser HD650s - My impressions

    Sound Quality Ok, I'm just going to come out and say it right now: There is no veil. At least, I do not hear it. In fact, I wouldn't even say that these are particularly dark. They are certainly not as bright as Grados, but I would not say that they are rolled off at all. In fact, I could...
  21. PiccoloNamek

    J&R - Has anybody else ever had this problem? (Rant)

    As we all know, some people have recieved empty Sennheiser boxes from J&R. But what about those of us that recieve nothing at all? I placed my order very early friday morning (Nov 3) and picked saturday shipping so that it would arrive on my birthday (Nov 4). Naturally, it didn't ship. So, I...
  22. PiccoloNamek

    I won over a convert

    I know there was a dedicated thread for this somewhere, but I simply cannot find it. But anyway, as I was browsing my "home" board, I got this private message: Quote: Originally Posted by GoldfishX Hi, I finally decided to invest in a pair of good headphones and I decided to go...
  23. PiccoloNamek

    Can anybody here read electrical schematics

    Ok, so, the mixing console at my church was completely re-tooled tonight. None of it really concerns me, except for the method in which I record the priest's sermon, because that is part of my job. Right now, we're using the INSERT I/O effects send to send a raw signal directly to a CD recorder...
  24. PiccoloNamek

    Help me make my final choice

    Ok, I've narrowed down my choices. I've aquired some extra money, and I now have enough to afford either an HD600 or an HD650. Now, yes, I have used the search function. I've read about every 600 vs. 650 thread that has ever been posted here. But I'm still torn. People say that the 600 is...
  25. PiccoloNamek

    Looking for a good pair of relatively inexpensive but good studio monitors

    So, I need a pair of speakers with a flat response (or close to it) for working with my audio files. I have several speakers and a subwoofer hooked up to my stereo, but I don't feel like hooking my PC up to my stereo, and burning a CD just to test the mix out is annoying. Plus, my stereo's...