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  1. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    Even at 470, it was cheap. Be careful.
  2. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    But not the color for me. I have a Clear Pro. :(
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    Focal Clear headphones

    And could you hear it with all USB ports ?
  4. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    It looks very nice. But 1000$ is a lot of money ! Nice collection by the way. Impressive.
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    Focal Clear headphones

    Is it even legal ?
  6. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    I honestly don't understand why the cables are bad ?
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    Focal Clear headphones

    Is it also true for the 5m cable ?
  8. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    I've checked out just about all your amps and DACs...and they're expensive. It's nice, but really expensive.
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    Focal Clear headphones

    Does the Valhalla 2 need a DAC ? It's gorgeous. Is the sound warmer ?
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    Focal Clear headphones

    Is there really a difference ? I can't hear a difference with a DAC/headphones amp and my
  11. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    I honestly didn't know that earpads were that important. I have the Clear OG Pro, it could be difficult to find "stylish" earpads for them.
  12. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    Today, I've tried, still on an Atoll HD100, my Focal Clears and a Fostex TH610. The Fostex was nice, more punchy, but the Clears were clearly more pleasant to me.
  13. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    I've tried the Clears with an Atoll HD100 : it was nice but didn't feel very different from my laptop...Not really better (at my listening volume level). But it was nice to use the 6.35 jack and the volume control.
  14. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    The reality will be : the AI will eq perfectly your music, that's all.
  15. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    I didn't hear something special in Femme Fatale ; but in Pursuit from Gesaffelstein (I had to download the video from Youtube), my Clears can randomly crackle, but it could be a problem from my PC (even when I stop the music, I can hear some light noises for one second).
  16. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    Could you share a track ? I will test with my FC.
  17. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    I don't know a single person who has this type of amp or who has any interest in this type of listening...:( ... One day, perhaps, who knows?
  18. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    You didn't at all ! :) On the contrary, your precise experience aroused my curiosity.
  19. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    What's the "rabbit hole" ? I've had the opposite experience: I'm not an audiophile, these are my first high-end headphones, I don't get any 'wow effect' (and I'm not interested in that) but I find them very musical, detailed and pleasant to listen to on all types of music.
  20. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    Hi, I'm currently trying and it's pretty nice ! I think it's a little bit warmer, less precise on each instrument but more on all (the soundstage and layering improve). The bass can sature a little bit on some musics for me.
  21. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    Probably. I was really expecting a cleaner recording.
  22. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    I tried FLAC and got a better experience ; still, the voices are "saturated", like covered by a slight sizzling veil. I hear it especially on the 4th note held and on the 5th (with even a left/right crackle on this one). The memory of the voice was clearer in my mind.
  23. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    @Shane D I know you really like the Clear (I just begin but me too) : could you give me your opinion on this message ? The listening won't be long (the "problem" appears at the linked sequence) :
  24. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    Haha, that reduces drastically the price difference.^^
  25. S

    Focal Clear headphones

    It's 250$ ?! I really can't understand the luxury at this point.