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Jul 31, 2014 at 12:45 PM Post #4,502 of 6,972
  If i had to do an ending for ME3, Id probably use a three fold system:
One would depend on your Paragon/renegade status, and see how consistent or inconsistent the player was in their choices in the previous games. This would happen to be a talk with a reaper entity (harbringer maybe) and if the player has been using the paragon/renegade system only to get an advantage in the game (get access to paragon/Renegade wheel options) then the player would have to be cunning in order to convince the reaper. Thus, there would not need to be a consistent behavior, just smart counter arguments and similar.
If the player did however favor heavily paragon or renegade behavior over the course of ME1, 2 and 3, their behavior in this "boss talk" would also have to be consistent, and obviously the reaper would try to make us choose differently so that our will is challenged.
That would be my "talk" ending. And probably Id use here the indoctrination ending if you fail the talk. If it works, the reapers acknowledge that their program is wrong, thus help rebuild the damage they did, with Sheppard guiding them.
Two, I would use a Boss fight that would be totally imbalanced, making it almost impossible to win, where every asset you collected would represent an actual ally in the fight. This would include team mates, their ME2 allience missions, ME1 saved people, and a big long ETC. This could be done in two ways: one big overpowered boss (probably not the one id choose), two a fight with 20 reapers at the same time, and with ofc your allies with you (Im sure die hard fans would rush the game as bad as possible to try take out 20 reapers by themselves for that ultimate archivment).
In this case, if the player did everything right to have the highest EMS (it was called MES right?), the fight would be somewhat Equal. In this case, falling in battle would be an ending (a cut scene would play showing how the reapers do their thing, and go back to doing whatever they do when they not killin ppl).
If you do beat the reaper boss, it dosent actually mean "they all die, you won". It just shows how every race togheter joins forces to take them out one by one (it wouldn't say if you managed to win or not, and id probably stuck another DLC in your face after that :D.).
The third ending would be one that would be slightly hidden. basically like in metro 2033 where you can have an ending that ends in not killing the dark ones (especially if you consider that only 2% of the players managed to find this ending at all).
In this one, if you beat the reapers (via talk or boss fight), the ending you get is a complete rework of ME3 (the game gives you and ending but it dosnt end per se). You can visit places again (reworked, everyone is living thier lives as in the begining of ME1), but Id add your place, your romance and a few blue little children perhaps, as well as parties in Omega with ppl cheering for you and similar. :D.
So, this is what I can do in 5 minutes (of making up an idea for the endings). Ok... it was in 10 minutes.

Your first idea is one that I've seen brought up before, it's a classic cRPG ending.  The story would have to be rewritten for it though.
Second idea is actually somewhat similar to one I had, Dragon Age: Origins had a similar final mission where every alliance you made shows up as an entity in the final fight.  Though I had this idea for the last mission on Earth, not the ending itself.  The Earth mission also could have been much better, it felt very generic in ME3 while ME2's final mission was one of the best missions ever in video game history (though the boss fight was dumb and generic).  
It's hard to tell from your post but it seems you're in favor of rewriting the entire ending of ME3 to ignore the whole Star Child and Leviathan aspect, and making it possible to bargain with the Reapers.  Do you also wish for a different motive for the Reapers?  
Jul 31, 2014 at 8:06 PM Post #4,503 of 6,972
Call of Duty Ghost (Ps4)
I've been playing the recent CODs mainly for its multiplayer. Ghost was refreshing compared to BO2. In Ghost, time to kill was way faster than to BO2's. This could be a good or bad thing, you could kill people fast or die really fast. I've also been playing COD in a competitive setting which makes the game funner including Ghost (but BO2 was way better in this aspect). Due to that, I'll give it a 8.5/ 10 of enjoyment.
Jul 31, 2014 at 8:09 PM Post #4,504 of 6,972
I played Ghosts briefly.  I never found it to be refreshing, felt like the same game again except with new skins.  In my opinion every CoD game after WaW (which I didn't like either) should have been a $15 expansion/DLC.  CoD 2 was the best of the series by far.  
Jul 31, 2014 at 8:17 PM Post #4,505 of 6,972
Despite there are different studios making COD, they all have that COD feeling. Imo it's about encountering gunfights every few seconds of the match. I get you about the dlc pack, I felt like MW3 was just a giant dlc pack for MW2. But I can't say the same for the others. BO2 and Ghost was different due to the ttk, which to me is a huge factor that comes into play. 
Jul 31, 2014 at 8:23 PM Post #4,506 of 6,972
  Despite there are different studios making COD, they all have that COD feeling. Imo it's about encountering gunfights every few seconds of the match. I get you about the dlc pack, I felt like MW3 was just a giant dlc pack for MW2. But I can't say the same for the others. BO2 and Ghost was different due to the ttk, which to me is a huge factor that comes into play. 

Well TTK can easily be modified in a patch, so that doesn't change the DLC feeling to me.  Heck, when I ran a Crysis and Crysis Wars server on PC I changed the TTK for my server just by changing gun damage values.  Now those are two games I really miss...
Aug 1, 2014 at 1:47 PM Post #4,508 of 6,972
  Ohh I see. I basically play COD on console only so I don't have that much experience with pc gaming or other games dlc pack :p aha.

If you like fast time to kill, you should get a PC and play Insurgency and Rising Storm.  The former is basically a slower paced, more realistic Counter Strike while the latter is essentially an extremely realistic/hardcore version of Battlefield (1942) minus aircraft.
Aug 1, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #4,509 of 6,972
If you like fast time to kill, you should get a PC and play Insurgency and Rising Storm.  The former is basically a slower paced, more realistic Counter Strike while the latter is essentially an extremely realistic/hardcore version of Battlefield (1942) minus aircraft.

Yeah one day, I'm gonna get a good gaming rig! But for now I'll just make do with the ps4 haha.
Aug 2, 2014 at 8:21 AM Post #4,510 of 6,972
Just finished Wolfenstein: New Order. 
It truly is a spectacular story and some really great acting and gameplay to boot. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish and will be considering replaying it for Wyatt's timeline.
I give the game a solid 9/10. 
Aug 2, 2014 at 10:41 AM Post #4,511 of 6,972
  Just finished Wolfenstein: New Order. 
It truly is a spectacular story and some really great acting and gameplay to boot. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish and will be considering replaying it for Wyatt's timeline.
I give the game a solid 9/10. 

I actually took a look at that game, but don't know if it's worth the sixty bucks. I hear you could dual-wield guns, though, which is pretty badass.
Aug 2, 2014 at 1:35 PM Post #4,512 of 6,972
  I actually took a look at that game, but don't know if it's worth the sixty bucks. I hear you could dual-wield guns, though, which is pretty badass.

I don't think any shooter is worth $60, except maybe the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series and none of them ever went for $60 thankfully.  I have a rather silly rule in which I want at least one hour of gameplay for every dollar I spend.  So for $60 I want at least a 60 hour game, lol.  Needless to say I don't pay $60 for games very often, though a big reason for that is that I only got into RPGs in 2012.
I've been playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut as of late.  I played the non Director's Cut version so it's interesting to see the differences here.  The main difference is that the boss fights are supposedly less generic, but I haven't gotten to any yet.  Somehow it seems even more detailed, which is ridiculous considering how detailed and responsive the regular version is.  I found some new things in Sarif Industries that I never saw before.
Interesting to see that in the first mission, I killed almost every terrorist.  As a result, Sarif employees are scared of me and/or telling me to take anger management classes.  The cops view me as a murderer.  When I played the original, I barely killed anyone and they viewed me totally differently, calling me a hero and praising the lack of a bloodbath.  
Aug 2, 2014 at 2:06 PM Post #4,513 of 6,972
I been playing a few games.
Alice:Madness returns.(5/10 as an "objective" view) (7/10 for my enjoyment of the actual game). I have a total soft spot for this game and series; it's just got so much charm and despite being stuck in the "action platformer" era its still a great game if you can over look some minor flaws. Bugs don't really plagued this game but they are common occurrence to some.  The story's fairly good and definitely has a more adult angle than some games claiming to be for a mature audience BUT not just relying on blood and boobies. The combats okay though I wish they had added in some of the things that got left on the cutting room floor, and it is a real bummer knowing that they will never make a third game.  If you like dark fantasy and surreal imagery mixed into your game you might like this.
Delver! THE BETA! 8/10 and it's only getting better.
Delver is a rouge like first person dungeon crawler made by an indie team on Steam and Android OS. Rogue like games are starting to dominate the indie game market and it's a bit frightening because it seems htey are going to turn into the new "FPS of the mainstream market" and something taking over a market really isn't great. This game however just nails it so hard it's silly. The game play is simple, you walk around in a dungeon and kill things making your way down seven random floors that follow a pattern. Dungeon; Cave, Sewers, and ruins. The enemy list is fairly simple made up of 16 different enemy types that kinda have their own areas through out the dungeon. Loot is the bread and butter here although it often leads you to your death. One play through I was just gifted by the RNG gods with fantastic loot right at the get go and nearly beat it...NEARLY, that's something I should add; this being a rouge like means its also very hard especially at the end. This game does force you to think too and that's nice; you cant just beast your way though it like I tried to do on me last play through with a meat wall character. It is worth mentioning that when you die you're dead, you keep your gold but that character you had is gone for ever...at least at the moment.
If you like any games with rouge elements to it, seriously...give this a shot. The combat's fun, the environments are great for being "minecraft-esq" meaning that..well its supposed to be classic rouge and look like a 16 but game but made in a 3d realm, strategy over strength is the way to go, and the random loot is sup[er fun to mess around with. Being in beta the game still has it's flaws but they are few and far between, this also means that its getting a lot of attention from its developer and always improving.
Aug 2, 2014 at 7:30 PM Post #4,514 of 6,972
I actually took a look at that game, but don't know if it's worth the sixty bucks. I hear you could dual-wield guns, though, which is pretty badass.

Indeed you can dual wield pretty much every weapon in the game, even the sniper rifle. IMO, $60 for a great Tarantinoesque one of a kind game is a small price to pay.

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