Spirit Torino Valkyria
May 14, 2023 at 1:56 PM Post #616 of 1,101
Pulsar has finally arrived! For various reasons, the wait was around 2 months for me. Got them yesterday and have been listening off and on since then. First impressions were.... not expected. As I continue to listen, it seems like I'm about to throw a big rock into everyone's blissful pond here because I thoroughly am not hearing the appeal of the Pulsar. For starters, everyone is right regarding these not being ideal headphones for any bass heavy music. There is essentially no sub bass to speak of, and bass is rendered as more punchy than deep. Aside from that, my confusion lies in the overall tonality of these. I'm hearing highs that sound slightly tinny and mids and bass that can be a bit muddy, boomy and even boxy. As I also have the Super Leggera on hand, I can hear the family resemblance, as that headphone also has those qualities. But I assumed that going from their entry level to one below flagship, things would dramatically improve in all areas, including realism. I'm not hearing it. I've purposely veered away from all the electronica I like and am strictly listening to low-fi acoustic with female and male vocals, mostly in the folk and indie genres. Also throwing in a little jazz. I don't generally listen to classical. So far, these have been a mystery. My 1000se and ES-R10 are much more convincing and involving. I can't get away from the general boxiness of the sound. Since I've never heard anyone mention any of what I'm describing, my first thought is a synergy issue with Spirit headphones and my amp. I've got more time for evaluation and I'll continue to listen. I can't imagine break in will change things significantly however. I know @ThanatosVI had his initial reservations, but seems like he's come around to appreciation. I'm not sure I'll get there. I wish I had another amp to try, but alas not the case.
Thanks for your impressions. I tried replicating your chain somewhat with a Mogwai SE and my Valkyria. I've listened to Norah Jones - Come Away with Me and don't really feel the boxiness that you described. Would you mean that the music sounds somewhat constricted and "compressed" into a smaller "space"?

I'm also curious on the bass as I do like my bass. My preferences may not be similar to yours but I would like to understand what you're not able to hear on your Pulsar with regards to subbass, so that I'm also able to educate myself on how others perceive bass. Could you provide a track and specific section?
May 14, 2023 at 1:57 PM Post #617 of 1,101
Goosebump listen of the day.

Shostakovich had a really troubled life, and his controversial, stoic, movingly heroic relationship with tyranny reached a sublime, terrible culmination with his tenth symphony, premiered just a few months after the Stalin's death in 1953.

This recording is dark, oppressive, cavernous. It grabs you into a whirlwind of raging emotions, portrayed within a immense, enveloping mass of sound. Hefty cellos and double bass obsessive poundings, blaring horns, violent percussions alternate with ominous, mysterious, syncopated string paint brushed motifs.

All colors and powers of the orchestra are masterfully called to tell a story of human rebellion against the force of organized evil, yelled at, derided and ultimately overpowered triumphantly.

What an exhausting and exhilarating musical journey of the soul!

What a wild ride. Hooked from start to finish.
May 14, 2023 at 5:31 PM Post #618 of 1,101
I anyone wants to sell or trade their Valkyria, please shoot me a PM. thx
May 14, 2023 at 7:35 PM Post #619 of 1,101
Thanks for your impressions. I tried replicating your chain somewhat with a Mogwai SE and my Valkyria. I've listened to Norah Jones - Come Away with Me and don't really feel the boxiness that you described. Would you mean that the music sounds somewhat constricted and "compressed" into a smaller "space"?

I'm also curious on the bass as I do like my bass. My preferences may not be similar to yours but I would like to understand what you're not able to hear on your Pulsar with regards to subbass, so that I'm also able to educate myself on how others perceive bass. Could you provide a track and specific section?
For some reason it seems that I may be hearing certain qualities that others aren't from these headphones. I have no idea why, other than to suspect a synergy issue. It's very strange. But yes, I hear a bit of boxiness (somewhat as you describe), sometimes a bit of shoutyness and a tinny sort of quality in the upper mids and treble. Have no idea what's up. The Super Leggera I have also has similar qualities as well. I just don't know.

Regarding bass and sub-bass, as you have the Valkyria and like bass, how do you feel the bass quantity and quality is? If you have other headphones, just play any song with decent, low bass and compare. Try Lydia Ainsworth track "Afterglow". There is a bass line throughout the song that goes deep, but on the Pulsar is less audible, less textured and more punchy than a low rumble. Bass is not the forte of these headphones.
May 15, 2023 at 6:34 AM Post #620 of 1,101

A Song that combines the biggest strength and weakness of the Pulsar.
May 15, 2023 at 2:37 PM Post #621 of 1,101
For some reason it seems that I may be hearing certain qualities that others aren't from these headphones. I have no idea why, other than to suspect a synergy issue. It's very strange. But yes, I hear a bit of boxiness (somewhat as you describe), sometimes a bit of shoutyness and a tinny sort of quality in the upper mids and treble. Have no idea what's up. The Super Leggera I have also has similar qualities as well. I just don't know.

Regarding bass and sub-bass, as you have the Valkyria and like bass, how do you feel the bass quantity and quality is? If you have other headphones, just play any song with decent, low bass and compare. Try Lydia Ainsworth track "Afterglow". There is a bass line throughout the song that goes deep, but on the Pulsar is less audible, less textured and more punchy than a low rumble. Bass is not the forte of these headphones.
I've just conducted a simple test to articulate if the Valkyria can reach the bass levels of my other cans using your recommended track Afterglow - Lydia Ainsworth.
Do note that these are short impressions and should not be regarded as a proper listening test that's properly level matched. I also listen to music relatively at lower volumes.

Amplifiers used: Ampandsound Mogwai SE, Pathos InPol EAR
Headphones used: Abyss 1266 Phi CC, Audeze LCD-5, Hifiman HE-6 v2, Spirit Torino Valkyria

In terms of volume control, Valkyria was by far the easiest to drive, then LCD-5 and 1266 CC & HE-6

What I heard:
The bass line was audible and similar throughout the first 2 minutes of the track on all headphones.

At the moment, subjective as it was short session but Valkyria is probably around 2 or 3 in terms of the above ranking with LCD-5 being last. LCD-5's ranking is probably due to it's more mid forward tuning and not as balanced as the rest.

In terms of quantity, Valkyria is sitting similar to the above ranking on Quality.

Again, I'd like to stress that because the Valkyria is so much easier to drive than the Abyss or HFM, there could be a slight bias. 6 o'clock is 0 volume and the Valkyria needs 7-8 o'clock to get loud while the Abyss and HFM both require around 11-12 o'clock to reach similar listening volume (subjective, not measured).

Note: I preferred the music from the Pathos (hybrid) as opposed to the Mogwai (tube).

Hypothesis on what you're hearing could be due to synergy or burn-in (brain or physical).

I will be trying with my 2 other SS amps (beta22 and SuSy Dynahi) another night.
May 18, 2023 at 10:12 AM Post #622 of 1,101
Has anyone been able to listen to the WALKARIA at Munich high-end ? If possible in combination with the Lotoo MOJNIR since Spirit Torino is distributor of Lotoo.
May 18, 2023 at 10:16 AM Post #623 of 1,101
Has anyone been able to listen to the WALKARIA at Munich high-end ? If possible in combination with the Lotoo MOJNIR since Spirit Torino is distributor of Lotoo.
For us mortals the high end starts at Saturday
May 18, 2023 at 2:11 PM Post #624 of 1,101

A Song that combines the biggest strength and weakness of the Pulsar.
Thoroughly enjoyed this album on the Valkyria & Pathos InPol Ear combo.

Back to impressions on the bass on the Valkyria. I appreciate that the bass is there when called for even though the impact and visceral feel of it isn't as prominent as the Abyss 1266 or even the HE-6, but the presence and quality more than make up for it as a package to my ears and music preferences. On the track Afterglow - Lydia Ainsworth, there's a bass drop around the 1.10 mark that goes deep. On the Valkyria, you can hear and feel it but the experience isn't quite the same when compared to the 1266 or HE-6.

One track that does show the above "weakness" (and I use this term quite loosely from personal experience) is Sail by AWOLNation.
May 18, 2023 at 2:22 PM Post #625 of 1,101
Thoroughly enjoyed this album on the Valkyria & Pathos InPol Ear combo.

Back to impressions on the bass on the Valkyria. I appreciate that the bass is there when called for even though the impact and visceral feel of it isn't as prominent as the Abyss 1266 or even the HE-6, but the presence and quality more than make up for it as a package to my ears and music preferences. On the track Afterglow - Lydia Ainsworth, there's a bass drop around the 1.10 mark that goes deep. On the Valkyria, you can hear and feel it but the experience isn't quite the same when compared to the 1266 or HE-6.

One track that does show the above "weakness" (and I use this term quite loosely from personal experience) is Sail by AWOLNation.
Some Songs of the Album are amazing on the Pulsar, but the shown Song in particular is more enjoyable on my other cans.

Sail by AWOLNation is also a great Song!
May 19, 2023 at 4:17 AM Post #627 of 1,101
May 20, 2023 at 7:15 AM Post #629 of 1,101
For some reason it seems that I may be hearing certain qualities that others aren't from these headphones. I have no idea why, other than to suspect a synergy issue. It's very strange. But yes, I hear a bit of boxiness (somewhat as you describe), sometimes a bit of shoutyness and a tinny sort of quality in the upper mids and treble. Have no idea what's up. The Super Leggera I have also has similar qualities as well. I just don't know.

Regarding bass and sub-bass, as you have the Valkyria and like bass, how do you feel the bass quantity and quality is? If you have other headphones, just play any song with decent, low bass and compare. Try Lydia Ainsworth track "Afterglow". There is a bass line throughout the song that goes deep, but on the Pulsar is less audible, less textured and more punchy than a low rumble. Bass is not the forte of these headphones.

A Song that combines the biggest strength and weakness of the Pulsar.

I definitely like the AB-1266 TC more on both tracks, as I personally find the sub-bass rendition much more satisfying, and sub-bass plays a major role on these. In my system, the TC goes deeper, has more oomph and rumble than the Valkyria. Whenever synthetic sub-bass lines are present in a mix (not being strictly limited to EDM and the likes) the Abyss take the pleasure to the next level for my tastes.

On the material below, I feel the opposite, being the Valkyria more organic, equipped with a fuller timbre and sounding overall more majestic and - ultimately - more realistic to my ears.
Generally speaking, with orchestral works the Valkyria provides a way more visceral experience compared to the AB-1266, a more masculine presentation with heftier bass and a very solid delivery of strings, woodwinds, brass and especially percussive instruments. The tympani on the incendiary Giulini Brahms 1st for example (not to mention the un-idiomatic Furtwängler's / NDR 1951 performance) are scaringly thunderous.
Also, while other headphones are arier, with these big orchestral compositions I don't feel the V. portrayal as being closed-in the slightest. The scale of the sound and size of the venue, in all directions, are conveyed in a remarkably immersive fashion.


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May 28, 2023 at 1:04 PM Post #630 of 1,101
So I got to recently borrow the spirit Valkyria and spend some time with them at home for a few days, Here are some quick impressions of them.

These are hands down the best-built headphones I have held in my hands so far; pictures cannot do them justice for how beautifully made they are, the attention to detail is just phenomenal. They are the ferrari of headphones.

They are pretty comfortable, pads are super soft but weight is going to be an issue for many as they weigh 620g. I find the first few hours are perfectly fine, but after very long sessions, you can definitely feel their weight.

For sound quality, they are absolutely terrible with any type of synthetic electronic music, like laughably bad and sound borderline broken. It feels like alot of energy is just missing overall but also in sub bass 30hz and under. My hifiman arya absolutely blow them away for these genres, but if you feed the valkyria real music and music with real instruments like blues, acoustic, jazz, instrumental, classical, etc., they sound absolutely incredible, and for me, are the most "real" sounding headphones I have heard so far for the genres I just mentioned. (I haven't heard X9k, Shang SR, aperio etc yet).

These headphones are very midrange focused and sound extremely rich and dense, with incredible heft and weight to every instrument. This is most likely the first thing you will notice when listening to the valkyria, instruments sound thick and visceral, you really feel the pluck of an acoustic guitar, the pressing of a piano key etc much more than any other headphone.

In comparison to Susvara, Sus has a much more impressive sub bass, a higher detail retrieval, superior soundstage height, sounds more airy but also brighter and plays nicely with more genres of music.

Where Valkyria wins for me is straight-up realism and timbre, midrange, tonal density, richness, and body to music, plus having a wider soundstage than Sus. If you are seriously into blues, jazz, acoustic, live music, instrumental etc. (like they are your main genres of music), you really need to hear these; they are so damn convincing, with the piano being the absolute standout instrument on these headphones for me. The main 3 negatives are the price, the weight and they dont play nicely with all genres but I would personally choose Valkyria over Susvara for the genres they excel at.

Below are a few albums i enjoyed while listening to the valkyria plus the gear i used :beerchug:

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