What is your favorite sound signature (i.e. what kind of sound are you really after?)
Dec 12, 2006 at 1:25 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 52


Headphoneus Supremus
Sep 29, 2004
I think this might be a useful discussion. We all talk about our favorite headphones, but because we all hear in different ways we have rather different takes on them. So, let's take headphones out of the picture for a second and see what we're really after in a system. Then, we can put them back in and figure our what kind of a system really suits our needs.

So, talk about what kind of sound does it for you, and what you ideally want to hear. Let's not all say "musical" since different things make the sound musical to us in different ways. Rather, let's break it down into individual components of the sound signature, and see what we like and how it makes things click for us individually.

Here's what I want out of a system:

Naturally, I want the system to disappear and leave nothing but the music behind. But, since that's not really an answer, this is what makes a system disappear for me:

First of all, the tonal balance has to be right. The tonal balance that I prefer is a sound that's fairly flat through the bass (on headphones that implies a very slight midbass emphasis to compensate for a lesser tactile feedback in comparison to speakers - but much less of a midbass emphasis than a lot of popular good headphones have i.e. HD650), flat through the midrange and on to the upper mids, and very slightly recessed in the treble. This, I find, let's the treble sort-of pop out of nowhere, and makes it more airy and delicate, as opposed to a more foreward treble, which puts extra treble where there should be none, and makes for a metallic, edgy sound with many modern recordings.

Secondly, I'm after detail. A whole lot of detail. I realized that I'm a detail freak when I found myself wishing that the SR-404 had more resolution. I want to hear each and every tiny nuance to the sound, and if it's hyperdetailed past the point of realism, I really don't care. However, I want my detail to be presented naturally, without shortened decay and cut-out transients like the Etys do it.

In terms of speed, attack, and decay, I want a system that's extremely fast, has a fast attack, but a long decay. This is very tricky to get right, but this is what tubes do basically, lengthen decay until sound sort of hovers surreally in midair, while keeping a good attack and a good speed overall. I love this sound, and this is must in my system (this is why I don't much care for solid-state anymore).

In terms of soundstage - I prefer a forward sound with soundstage. What that means is that I want to be right on stage with the musicians, but I don't want to lose the dimensionality of the background sounds. I want a forward foreground, but a distant background. The SR-404 does this really well I think, it's a Grado-ish presentation with actual soundstage width.

I want a very saturated tone color. I don't want things to be greyish or metallic sounding, or woolen and murky and overly lush. I want to hear the body and tone of the instrument first and foremost, but I also don't want to lose texture like Sennheisers do sometimes. I want it all!

Here's what breaks a system for me: wooly, loose, undefined bass (HD650), shortened transients and an overly dry sound (ER-4S), insufficient speed to deal with complex material and many layers (HD580/6x0), metallic treble that sounds artificially hi-fi-ish and not refined (A250 and sometimes K340) and an uneven, peaky midrange (SR-404).

Lastly, here's what I'm more tolerant of: frequency roll-offs at either extreme, though I'm less tolerant of bass roll-offs than treble roll-offs. The SR-003 is pretty rolled off at both ends, but it still sounds quite balanced to my ear because what is there is of a very good quality. Ditto for the ES2 - it doesn't have much deep bass next to the E500, and it's treble is not as extended as an electrostat's obviously, but what's there is very, very good.

When all of these factors are in place, I can basically relax and let the music flow. But, quite frankly, a system that meets all of this is going to be outrageously expensive to begin with, so chances are I'm not the only one that's going to relax and let the music flow. I've heard something like this out of the HE90, but I can't of course say for sure, since it's been so long since I've heard one. I've also had very good results out of several systems, specifically the K340 and SR-404 when they're driven by tubes. Those systems had failed at one specific issue or another, but they have come very, very close. The least offensive, so to speak, headphone in my collection is the ES2. It does nearly everything right to my ear, but I need more resolution/refinement/quality in general out of my main rig (though this is not a knock on the ES2 as it's quite amazing for what it is). I've come to realize that I love tubes, and without some glass somewhere in the signal path, I really can't relax and let the music carry me away. The fast attack/long decay/saturated tone color sound (let's say coloration) that tubes add just does it for me in nearly every way.

So... what does it sonically for you?

Once again, I think this will be useful, since we can talk about where we're coming from in a more idealized, metaphorical manner, as opposed to saying what pieces of gear we do and don't like.

P.S. Sorry for the length, but if we're going to talk in-depth about abstract notions of good sound, then we might as well make it long
Dec 12, 2006 at 2:41 AM Post #5 of 52
Alessandro MS-1 has cemented the perfect sound signature blissful to my ears - lovely, lush and tamed highs with subtle lows. And now anything that i listen to after MS-1 will have to comply to that signature and I found them in Sony MDR E888LP earbuds for a mini MS-1
Dec 12, 2006 at 3:06 AM Post #8 of 52
Yea, catscratch, I can relate to your criteria of what the sound is that i too am coming to understand as "what i'm after'. Interestingly, I too have persued the tube route to achieve "IT"...

The sound in my memory owes back to the sound systems in the greater roller skating rinks of my youth... I remember the Huge speakers now known to me as having been either, klispch or AltecLansing(SP) driven by tube amplifiers, popular in the day also as theatre speaker systems... Warm,rich,lush yet with sharp dynamics and clear resolution with the music played. Often in that setting, most memorable were music played on the organ and Les Paul guitar....
That is the sound in my memory I suppose, I wish to recreate. I do so love to get strung out, lost and enveloped in music richly presented (warmish?), with impact and dynamic swings, an enlightening look into the performance, full of micro nuanced detail.

I'm getting there with the Mapletree and 701s, and hopefuly further along with the addition of the RS-2 very soon.
Dec 12, 2006 at 4:09 AM Post #11 of 52

Originally Posted by nothing101 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
well im after no sound signature... i dont want to hear the headphones, i want to hear the music

my favourite sound sig is UNFORTUNATELY stax

That's pretty much how I feel about it too. I like to hear what's there in the music as detailed as it may be. I don't mind some EQ but I don't want any form of "house sound" acting as rose colored glasses.
Dec 12, 2006 at 4:49 AM Post #12 of 52
Over time I'm leaning towards 'up front' a little more than I thought I would and I'm really enjoying the Stax Gammas as they shove it in your face, but in a pleasant way, not quite so gratingly as some Grados do. I can even forgive their lack of deep bass as the rest sounds so sweet.

I am moving further away from warm and laid back. Never again will Senns sit upon my noggin unless they do something really drastic in the design room.
Dec 12, 2006 at 5:15 AM Post #13 of 52
just curious is there any headphone OTHER than the he90 that doesnt have much of a sound sig?

maybe the k1000? i hear the dt880 is meant to come close but its meant to sound dry.

i havent actually heard any of the cans mentioned. i dont think its really possibleto do this with headphones although with speakers you also have room acoustic effects in the equation.
Dec 12, 2006 at 5:18 AM Post #14 of 52

Originally Posted by smeggy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am moving further away from warm and laid back. Never again will Senns sit upon my noggin unless they do something really drastic in the design room.

Maybe they'd reissue the HE60 and/or Orpheus?


Originally Posted by nothing101
just curious is there any headphone OTHER than the he90 that doesnt have much of a sound sig?

I feel the Stax Omega 2 and SR-X Mk3 are very transparent. The HE60 is too, I'm just not quite sure where it fits in the scheme of things, I'd probably have to listen to it again with a good amp.
Dec 12, 2006 at 5:25 AM Post #15 of 52
no way... im sorry to say it but i dont think they are all that interested in people who want the ABSOLUTE BEST sound right now. particularly those who use headphones.

it just costs them too much. i see now that they are more interested in your average consumer.

there is only one headphone brand that is intended for the high end only and that is stax. maaan im such a sucker to electrostats

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